What a fantastic weekend it was. So sunny and warm it really feels like spring has arrived and I love that feeling! It is one of my favourite moments of the year when you feel spring in the air; trees and shrubs are budding, daffodils, crocus and snowdrops are everywhere and everyone has a happy rejuvinated feel to them. Yesterday me and by gorgeous family were out digging in the garden and then went of to the park for an ice cream. Bliss!
My new painting also seemed to by going the same happy colourful way. Here it is so far:
Still a way to go on it but I am liking where it is going so far!
I also this weekend was asked by a local band if I would consider working with them to produce some art work for their demo cover; an exciting possible project! I am just waiting for them to get back to me but I will keep you posted!
Lastly for today I had confirmation from my swap partner she had received the parcel I sent. This time we had to produce recycled hearts, this is what I sent her:
A little recycled heart journal made with a coptic stitch. :) This month we are making bookmarks based around our favourite books which should be fun!
Bye for now xxx