Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Recent Bits & Bobs

Hello All,

It's been a while. I have been trying to get a new website up and running but it's not there yet. When I have it, i'll be sure to let you all know. In the meantime I thought I ought to get back on here and let you see some of my recent bits and bobs.

To start with here is April's mini journal:

I have now completed a years worth of journals and they are all lined up on my shelf. I have loved this challenge and fully intend to continue these. They are such a fantastic way of keeping those precious memories from my daily life

Here also are a few of my recent art journaling pages:

This is just a tiny snapshot really of recent things. I hope you enjoy taking a look. I'll be back with more very soon.

Until then bye for now xx

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Weekend Workshop

Hello All,

Today I thought i'd share some photos from my weekend workshop at Sheffield Hallam Students Union. I was emailed a few months back to ask if i'd like to deliver an Art Journaling workshop to the students there. I decided, since I have been enjoying making my monthly journals so much, that this is what we'd make. That way I should not only show them some really fun journaling techniques but also teach them how to bind their work into a simple book.

I had eight lovely ladies on the day, done of which had ever tried Art Journaling before. They were a lovely group to work with, every new technique was met with great enthusiasm. They really got into it and didn't even want to stop for lunch. By the end of the day everyone had produced a beautiful and totally unique little journal.

Overall a very successful day :)

Bye for now xxx

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

January Mini Journal

Hello all,

2019 is off to a busy start with lots of workshops running. I have been teaching art journaling and beginners drawing which has been loads of fun. Unfortunately I haven't had much time for my own work and I'm dying to do some more encaustic painting! I have some great ideas for some new journals too, when I get the chance! Half term is fast approaching so I hope I will have more time then.

January flew by and I only just managed to get my monthly journal done in time.

This one has a wintery feel to it which suits the time of year perfectly. One of the pages is made from a box of chocolates that my husband left under my pillow. There is also an extract from a poem I found in an old book I bought from a charity shop. Just little things that happened that month but it makes it all the more special.

Hope you enjoyed having a look.

Bye for now xxx

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Happy New Year

Hello All!

Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a great holiday season. It always goes so quickly and you are back to work and daily routines before you know it! Do you have any resolutions for the new year? My crafty ones this year are to film more videos of my processes and to keep up with my monthly journals with the aim to complete a full year. With that said here is my journal for December:

With every one of these that I make the more I like them. They are so tactile and colourful and those things combined with the family snaps make looking back through them much more of an experience than a normal photograph album. I look at the photos and it really transports me back to those moments.

I am looking forward to what moments 2019 holds!

Bye for now! xxx