Tuesday 12 April 2016

Self Esteem

Hello All,

Sometimes I go through periods of low self esteem as I am sure most people do. I have put on a little weight, not enough that would be noticeable to anyone but me but it knocks you a bit. I have to kick myself and be grateful for what I have. Everyone is a different shape and size. Wouldn't it be boring to all be the same! I am active and healthy and that is what should matter. I felt I had to do a art journal spread to give me that kick I needed to snap out of it:

This spread really has many many layers and I just kept adding to it. I started by sticking torn paper towels soaked in ink down then used a pallet knife and acrylic over that. then stencils, doodles, more paint, more stencils  more doodles etc. Finally decided I wanted to do a portrait to represent my self esteem and how I ought to feel about myself. She doesn't look like me she just expresses the confidence I need.

It did help and I do feel much better. That's the beauty of art journaling! 

Bye for now xxxx

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