Monday 9 November 2015

Art Swap

Hello All,

I seem to be having a bit of a slump the last week or so. Not been inspired to do much and not had much time either! My little girl just turned 4 so its been all about that this last week anyway! I have however received Octobers Art Swap from Audrey in Canada. We had to create a journal page about where we are from. I loved this idea as I enjoy learning about other places and how others live their lives on the other side of the world. This is what Audrey sent me:

It is really beautiful and I got a lovely letter explaining all the different aspects of it. She also included the little double sided tag (above) which I love! 

I found my piece really difficult, I don't know if its just lately and I have lost my mojo a little and feeling bit meh but I couldn't get into it. Anyway this is the piece I created:

I tried to keep it looking quite industrial to reflect Sheffield, the city I live in which is famous for its steel industry, in particular cutlery. I also wanted to include a bit about the countryside as living on the edge of the national peak district has always meant a lot to me. So I added sheep and a millstone with all the lovely purple heather. Not my best I must admit but I really hope Audrey likes it!.

Lets hope I get back into the zone soon!

Bye for now x x 

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